did anyone workout today? (UPDATE)

i cant see that anyone has posted a workout for today..
just wondering if i am the last .. or the first to get the workout done..
heading to the garage now..
leg time!

ok.. i am done.. just a quick 20 mins workout.. still takin it easy on my back and bis slowly working up to where i was.. so the workout is shorter..
  • leg extensions.. 3 sets of 24
  • step ups on a 18 inch step 3 sets of 24 (alternating legs)
  • back: lat pulldowns.. 2 sets of 24
  • bis: curls.. 2 sets of 24
  • deadlifts 1 set of 24
  • plie squats 1 set of 24
felt great! Its so warm i was sweating at 9pm! wooooo who!

eats are good.. :)
my goal is to get to sleep by 10.. so i best get going.. no caffeine means early to be early to rise :) LOL..

and lastly... i am sooooo wanting to get a new running skirt for the summer.. i found this link
be sure and watch the NEWS at 8 video.. shows all about the skirts and whats coming this spring! FUN! click here



Anonymous said…
dropping by to see how you are doing. looks like you are moving right along. so glad you are able to workout again. hopefully the arm is on the mend.
sauchagirl said…
Yep, I did my workout yesterday. I just never got a chance to blog about it. I'm going to pay my mortgage and then go and write right now!

Great job on your workout. Dead lifts kill!