
oooooooweee I feel sooo much better!

I .. (knock on the computer).. think i am almost well!

I am full of desire and passion to get back on the BFL 'wagon'. I have given my life over to sickness and forces laziness for tooo long. I have a plan.. and I am stickin with it.

  1. Since I have blown two weeks of the blitz.. I have decided to just start another 12 BFL round beginning Monday. I will post weekly photos, do a weekly workout roundup video (if DH lets me use his fancy computer:) and will be getting and posting that menu asap. So Monday starts a BFL round that will end The first week in April! I am calling it my BFL SPRING FLING!
  2. Tomorrow I will do some form of exercise.. which will be my first in what seems like weeks.
  3. I will remeasure and weigh on Monday, post my stats.
  4. I will finally join the 14 water challenge too! and keep it going through the challenge.
  5. I Promise to follow the BFL to a T.. which includes Hiit training and making sure I fatigue my muscles at every workout.
  6. I WILL make progress :)
  7. and I WILL look cute in my new spring outfits I will wear to New Mexico on Vacation :)
  8. I want to be a hot, buff 40 year old housewife ! ..times a wastin!
  9. After my BFL Spring FLing i will do another Blitz for April.
I will do a youtube video tomorrow or sunday.. so check back then to see how HUGE the bags are now under my eyes! :)

OHHHHH>. if feels so good to feel "normal but frumpy" again.. glad the energy is back!

How are yall?
