looking forward...

Its official. I have the flu. been taking tamiflu and it seems to make it much much better than it was at christmas. I also think i am not as sick since I did have it at Christmas and this round is just a different strain.
I am exhausted feeling, running a bit of fever, and get dizzy if i get up to quickly.. but NOTHING like it was at christmas.
My DD started running fever this morning. she seems not as bad either (i think since she had it at christmas too).

I am sooooooooo ready to be well, and to have a well family again.

the longer i go without my "normal" working out ... the more I desire to get back at it. You know how when you dont workout and eat right for a while you feel yourself getting out of shape? gaining weight? feeling frumpy? ... thats me right now... and i don like it. !
I remember looking forward to going for a run, or lifting weights, and having tons of energy.. and just feeling great .... cant wait to feel that way again :)

A word of advice,
if you hear the flu is going around your area/town. Stay at home.


Jae said…
Problem with staying home is 1. hubbs has to work therefore exposed 2. if everybody stays home till flu season is over, well, you would be in the house from about Nov. till Feb :( ewww....

Face it, flu happens...even if you stay inside. sorryyyyyyyyy. Luv, JJ
JW said…
Sorry you got sick. Same here. Is it spring yet?? :) Hang in there!! We'll get back at it!!
Unknown said…
You'll be better and back at it in no time!