Ok.. something was going on with firefox.. and i couldnt post.. but i have now switched to safari and its working fine :)..
Heres my update.
Missed yesterday. I told you I REALLY struggle when its cold. and yesterday.. I was literally cold all day. I really think something must be going on with my blood pressure being too low .. we need to get a machine to check it.. but i just flat out missed yesterday. We had a GREAT day homeschooling. but no run for me.
Today.. well.. today seemed like it was going to be the same old story. I woke up feeling good.. but by the time i got DH off to work and kids eating breakfast I was low on energy. .. We did have another GREAT day of schooling.. but I just felt like sitting around reading all day instead of cleaning or doing laundry or working out! Around 2 this afternoon i decided to take a Hydroxycut.. Those of you who remember a year or so ago I took one of these pills a day and got completely off of sugar and sodas for a while. The caffeine in the Hydro. seems to increase my blood pressure and I feel LOTS better .. So.. I ate on target today... took H pill and by 4 I had energy to do housework and get the kids ready for Wednesday night services. But still.... NO WORKOUT> .
Around 5 this afternoon I got a little "you whoo" message alert from my friend J in China. It was around 730am thursday there and she was eating breakfast fixing to go the GYM to workout. She hasnt missed all week! I told her.. she needed to email when she was done cause it would kick me into gear when I got home from services tonight to get my workout done.. IF she could do it so could I! .. She then said.. "YEAH.. and I HAVE TO RIDE MY BIKE TO THE GYM!.... YOURS IS IN YOUR HOUSE!" .. OOOOOOOOOOO.. she's good!.. and YEP.. that was the kick I needed! ..
after a hug from my DH and telling him to tell me to get in there and lift weights .... I hit the garage.
30 mins later.. I had listened to a Dave Ramsey show and had a GREAT workout under my belt!
I am thrilled to announce that I hit 10s on all lifts! Ladies! . ITS BEEN FOREVER since I have hit a TEN! ..
what did a 10 look like today?
25lbs in each hand on chest flies for a full set of 6
20lbs in each hand for tricept extensions!
15lbs in each had for STRAIGHT arm flies!
here i am.. with arms that are more jello than they are arms.. and I know tomorrow I will have some issues with being sore..
OH it feels GREAT!
I just keep saying to myself if I can make it until mid march then spring will be here and I will be back into the flow of working out being NO big deal.
until then.
I will think of all of you.. who ... got up and out and got it done today.. no matter how cold, how busy your life was OR how much traffic you had to fight on your bicycle!
Great job, and love the pic!
That's only two weeks away. You can fight the cold for two more short weeks. Your in the home stretch.
It's going to struggle to get to 30 here today. Imagine how cold your garage would be in this weather ;)
You have a lot to juggle and admire that you still kick yourself into gear and get out there and do it!
It will be warm there before you know it, so keep up the hard work! As for me, I'm looking forward to a run in the below freezing weather today. Life is GOOOOOD here! :-D
Hope today is great!!!