Pictures posted.. todays plan

good morning..
well I took pictures first thing this morning.. click here to see the blitz progress photos :)

We start back with schooling today.. so the morning will be filled with that.. I will go help Mom and Dad a bit this afternoon as well as work on my art closet at Co-op to get things organized before we return to coop on Thursdays. I also have the dance class tonight.. so the day will be pretty busy.. I plan on doing my lifting around 2 or so this afternoon.. and will post when I am done:)

As far as my pictures go.. I can tell I am making progress and that is encouraging because I havent been "perfect" on my eats. :) .. .. yipee! Progress!

blessings ruthie


Josha said…
first, I love the tag. second, I don't know how to get my old pics on here. third, really enjoyed the comfort zone post and looking forward to the next promised topics! fourth, your progress pictures are lookin' lean! I'm on legs today...