my day

no workout for me today.. unless you consider the massive house cleaning, artwork, and getting the gray out of my hair a workout :)

I am happy that the house is now back under control and if in the next few days I can conquer my famous frightening laundry monster then life will be grand :) hehe..

I am so thrilled that the house is now to the point where I feel like I can work on some art projects.. I have set some goals for getting a good stock built up so we can either sell at a store or go to canton in a few months.. i am in talks with a store owner and hope to have some things in there by the end of this month if we can work out the details :) ..

will lift tomorrow.. so no worries.. today was free day.. makes me ready to get back to good healthy eats.. I have NO energy when i eat like I want to:) ..

blessings on a blitzful day tomorrow :)


Unknown said…
I'm excited that we'll all be blitzing together now!!!! :-D
sauchagirl said…
I love a clean. That feels as good as a good workout. I always have a huge laundry monster so I feel your pain. I hope to catch up on my blog later on today. Glad to hear your having a productive weekend.