yeah.. well so I lied.. didnt mean too..
sorry Janelle.. I didnt mean to lie but I did.
I totally meant to workout today but it just didnt happen. so three red marks on my calender now!
This was my third day in a row to miss.. and that my friends is the limit.!
so what happens now..
well I get up and run sprints first thing in the morning to remind myself not to miss again :) and that I love being in shape.. and that it destresses me and makes me feel wonderful!
I ended my blitz in a big fat BLAH. but thats ok.. cant wait to start another one in a few days.
Winter is just really really hard for me anyway.. and with all the new things that are happening (art getting into a shop, coop, parents moving, oh yeah.. and educating my three kids.. etc etc).. its just been a bit of a challenge for me to make the time.
Please notice I did not say "find the time" the time is there. Always has been .. always will be.. the issue here is that I didnt MAKE time to get it done. It hasnt been the priority the last few days.. and thats ok.. BUT it WILL become a priority again tomorrow and the rest of the week. I will make it through the winter and not have to go by a new LARGER size in the spring! I refuse that possibility thank you very much!
so Heres to Angell.. who is doing fantastic on her trips to the gym and has already lost a significant amount of weight! I am soooo happy for her! WAY to go Angell!
and Heres to Janelle.. for inspiring us all to keep going!
so i am off.. to bed.. tired from painting and sleepy from too much sugar and caffeine yet again today :(... but tomorrow is a new day.. and thats what's nice about being a little speck in this creation.. we all get to have a new start each day! YIPEE!
what i did instead of working out .. click here