Exactly Who is Inspirational?

Do you consider yourself inspirational? Do you see yourself with the ability to inspire someone esle? I mean.. right now.. how and how you are right now? If you say "NO" ... well.. my Friend.. you are flat out dead wrong!

How do I know.. because I didnt ever think I would inspire anyone, shoot.. I couldnt even inspire myself. How could I .. or YOU be Inspirational with who we are and what we are today?

I might have a different outlook on things .. or.. you could just call me weird.. but here is my list of acts that inspire me:
  • A 300lb plus woman or man walking around the 2 miles track that goes about campus. As I run past them with my dog and my ipod.. do they know they inspire me? Do they know why? Of course not.. They probably think.. "there goes one of those naturally thin, workout-aholics." These two people inspire me because I know how hard it is to get up and just get your shoes on must less to actually go exercise out in public.. and yet.. THERE THEY ARE!.. They have made a decision that day to be healthy. the mental battle they conquered to just leave the house is a TRIUMPH for them. .. and I see it! I want to scream.. "YOU GO GIRL (or guy)".. but they would think I am just "weird".
  • Seeing the same old ladies walking with their friends, every time I go for a run.. thats inspirational. These little ladies (70s and older) have made the decision for that day to be healthy. They are inspirational because they keep showing up.. day after day.
  • People who are physically limited in some way and continue to work towards health is inspiring to me! I have see a blind man walking with his dogs.. exercising, I have seen a man in his wheel chair, dressed in workout apparel and working hard to go up that hill. THATS Inspiring!
  • People who are busy.. and could be too busy for health and fitness .. but make time for it.
  • People who start over ..
  • People .. no matter what life throws at them makes the decision to keep going.. to move forward.. to not quit. THATS Inspiring to me.
So.. dont think you have to be 115lb woman walking into the gym all ripped and cut with a cute little outfit on to be inspiring.. Dont hold yourself back..
As you go out your door , to work, to workout, to the gym, store, or walking track. Try and see yourself as others see you.. because YOU ARE INSPIRATIONAL to SOMEONE! I promise. Give yourself the gift of knowing your life is not alllllll about you.. Its about your dreams and desires yes.. but more importantly its about how your journey to those dreams and desires will impact others.

Until next time
dream, get up , get out and INSPIRE!

(found this on Angela's site.. watch all the way to the end)


JoAnn said…
Can't wait to hear about the dance class. And the pics are awesome....keep it UP! luv, J.
Josha said…
Have I told you that I was inspired to try BFL waaay back in your first challenge? M and M were into it because of you.(I think it was your first challenge...) So, I put it off for several years...haha...but when I heard you were at it again, I decided to join ya!
Angela said…
Is that an awesome video? I loved it.
JW said…
I finally watched the video... thank you. I needed to see that today. I feel like I have negative vibes piercing into me these days from all different places. LOVED that you went dancing!!! (in your other post). What an awesome story and what a night.. lol.. news coverage and all. The REAL story should have been, "Ruthie Dances... full story at 10." :)
Anonymous said…
awesome video. and post today. i think i inspire other people. it just seems weird to think of it for some reason. i never thought i'd ever inspire anyone. love your posts.