WEll.. I thought I'd chicken out. I almost did.. but I didnt cause I dont think DH would have let me. If you dont know the history behind this.. .. dancin was WRONG in my family when i was growin up.. so I had lots of voices yelling at me while I went through this process. It was a fun and very funny night but DH and I had a great time.
We learned the 2-step first thing, then how to turn (didnt quite get that down) and next was the girl getting "twirled".. (we got that).. but while we were dancing a News Anchor Lady showed up from one of our local TV stations. She was here to do a story on a lady (more on that later). Anyway.. next thing I knew we were dancing towards a tv CAMERA!!!!!!!!
I started to laugh and go OH NO!.. and started to leave with DH to go get a drink of water.. but the Dance Instructor guy I guess thought we were just messin up real bad so he said "HERE.. LET ME SHOW YOU" and he grabbed me and started dancing me right in front of the TV Camera!!!!!!!! I was like "OH NO>> YOU MUST BE KIDDIN ME!!!".. so I messed up real bad with him and laughed and laughed and I said.. I gotta go.. and ran off the dance floor.. (yes it was funny and embarasing at the same time)
Well.. the camera crew stayed for about 45 mins. so we missed lots of instruction but we just went outside and practiced on the side walk. After they left we joined right back in and we told the "instructors lady assisitant" what had happened.. she appologized.. and actually there were two other ladies that were hiding with us.. and they "complained" in a nice way to her. ..she was real nice.
so.. how was my comfort zone stretch last night
1. I was in a room with 50 people I didnt know.. we meet a 70s something lady named Bubbles she was great!..came by herself.. her husband has passed away.. she came to learn cause her bible class goes to a dance place .. (no alcohol served place.. very family oriented)and she wanted to learn how so she could go too!, a lady who I had talked on the phone with that use to work at the Center for Contemporary Arts here.. and a semi-retired man and his wife who lived in the country. We also met a man who was there by himself and got to dance with most of the ladies there.... he was really sweet guy.
2. I was DANCIN!
3. I danced with another man .... TWICE!~!!!!!!! and
4. processed over in my head.. again.. "so what if everyone knows.. even if its on tv.. there's NOTHIN wrong with it!
side notes that are interesting.. by the end DH and I were stinking cause we were sweating so much.. (they didnt have the AC on)
and drum roll please
the lady they were there to do the story on was because she had lost ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY POUNDS!!!!!!
I didnt meet her but plan to next time.. wow.
so. heres to stretching the comfort of my zone .. and feeling great about it!
was so busy yesterday no time for a workout.. so will be on workout # 14 today.. will post after i am done.
Until next time
find YOUR zone and STRETCH IT!
you will be glad you did! R
and funny!...with the news crew and all! how great that they were doing a story on that woman's weight loss!
You go girl!