Today? tomorrow? or next week?

Well.. it wasnt today.

I hope it will be tomorrow...

and will be disappointed if its next week.

(that is when i will actually get a workout in again)

still have a cough.. felt tired all day.. taught all day.. had fun but am tired. ..

Next time I post it will be after a workout. hope its tomorrow.

frustrated but determined to not let this illness knock me off my fitness wagon.


Unknown said…
Even if it is next week, you don't have to be disappointed. You and I both know that as soon as you are better, you'll be working out again because that's what you LOVE! And ultimately, nothing is going to keep you from achieving your goals. Don't get disheartened - just concentrate on resting and feeling better! :-D
JoAnn said…
Ruthie, you're experiencing what is known as the reality of life. We get sick, kids get sick, inlaws are frustrating, dogs run away and have to be caught, cars need repairs, and the list goes on. But your finding the bigger question is not 'do I have the will power to work my eats and exercise program?' The question becomes can I NOT do the program when I CAN'T do the program? Its not a matter of will power. Its a matter of accepting the fact that you're sick. Your body is telling you to NOT push it. Its not fair to your body. Again, the challenge is to find your peace, in all things, whether you have the priviledge of working out, or not. End of sermon...and because I love ya! Jae
JW said…
Let go of the disappoiontment and embrace life... you are fine, you are not falling of any darn wagon. It's just a tough week. It will get better and when it does, you will be pumpin' it up again! This won't hurt your progress. Love yourself, love the day! And if it is a bad day... ((((HUGS))))... I hope it gets better!
Josha said…
just do it...when the moment comes where you can. In the THIS moment or you'll miss it. Have you read Harry Potter? There is a mirror in the first one that shows your reflection in a situation that you would most desire. Professor Dumbledore says that many people have wasted away in front of that magic mirror and missed THE MOMENT right now. You can't stand in front of that mirror wishing or pining, or you'll miss the right now. So, enjoy your "right now" and then when you are well, enjoy that too! You don't have to use disappointment to make sure you get back into your workout regime. You can drop the disappointment and still get back into it! You're in charge!! And we all believe in ya!