eats list
#1 pint and a 1/2 of water, 1/2 protien
#2 Apple with peanut butter, pint of water!
#3 Salad with Chicken, nuts, and dressin, pint of water
#4 almonds with 5 dark choc morsels, straw.banana yogurt flaxseed smoothie, pint of water
#5 Taco Stew and one small peice of cornbread (probably shouldnt have eaten that huh) but was without butter! :) pint of water!
#6 Strawberry Protein Shake .5 Pint of water
the picture to the side is a 8 .5 liter bottles of water. It the closest image I could find on how many bottles (in pints) I need to drink today..
my goal: 8 pints of water :)
ruthie's drink- o-meter
"8 bottles of water are one the wall
take one down,
drink it down,
2 bottles of water on the wall':) hehe
So I left 2 bottles of water on the wall today! but I tried hard! .. I guess with the fluid in my shake I am really close to a gallon anyway.. but I will try harder next time..
The problem is I am peeing sooooooo much! There is NO WAY I can drink that much at coop tomorrow.. I pretty much get just one potty break.. so.. I will drink as much as I can after when I get home tomorrow
I plan on doing HIITS firs thing in the morning before I to go teach.. and will try and post as soon as I can.. it will be short and to the point as I wont have much time :)
I have felt absolutely GREAT today! I am THRILLED to have the old me back! I struggled so long with ups and downs in energy etc.. and its just FANTASTIC to feel GREAT again! .. I knew all along I was doing it to myself.. to feel great.. I MUST stick to my "DECLARES" list :)
Be sure and check out Janelle's progress video.. she did AMAZING! She also posted a new video.. so cool.
and Tea has a great BFL Tricks list too!
I am planning on starting another 12 weeks and will do pictures and measurements tomorrow! (No time like the present :)
more tomorrow
#1 pint and a 1/2 of water, 1/2 protien
#2 Apple with peanut butter, pint of water!
#3 Salad with Chicken, nuts, and dressin, pint of water
#4 almonds with 5 dark choc morsels, straw.banana yogurt flaxseed smoothie, pint of water
#5 Taco Stew and one small peice of cornbread (probably shouldnt have eaten that huh) but was without butter! :) pint of water!
#6 Strawberry Protein Shake .5 Pint of water

my goal: 8 pints of water :)
ruthie's drink- o-meter
"8 bottles of water are one the wall
take one down,
drink it down,
2 bottles of water on the wall':) hehe
So I left 2 bottles of water on the wall today! but I tried hard! .. I guess with the fluid in my shake I am really close to a gallon anyway.. but I will try harder next time..
The problem is I am peeing sooooooo much! There is NO WAY I can drink that much at coop tomorrow.. I pretty much get just one potty break.. so.. I will drink as much as I can after when I get home tomorrow
I plan on doing HIITS firs thing in the morning before I to go teach.. and will try and post as soon as I can.. it will be short and to the point as I wont have much time :)
I have felt absolutely GREAT today! I am THRILLED to have the old me back! I struggled so long with ups and downs in energy etc.. and its just FANTASTIC to feel GREAT again! .. I knew all along I was doing it to myself.. to feel great.. I MUST stick to my "DECLARES" list :)
Be sure and check out Janelle's progress video.. she did AMAZING! She also posted a new video.. so cool.
and Tea has a great BFL Tricks list too!
I am planning on starting another 12 weeks and will do pictures and measurements tomorrow! (No time like the present :)
more tomorrow