Free Day Isnt Free for Me!

I ran around campus this afternoon.. with 5 Hiits at the end of the run. It felt great. It was cool (40s) and humid (misting) outside. I dressed to warm without the ability to shed layers ex. for my stocking hat.. so I need to remember to wear a zip up sweatshirt next time I run.

My "freeday" started last night.
  • We ordered Pizza. I had two slices of all veggie pizza.. for some reason i have an aversion to peperoni's and other meats ex for chicken... .. anyway.. I had the two slices and then some cinn. sticks without the cream cheese topping (its just tooo sweet). I also had a Sprite (8oz) even though he brought home a dp AND a coke..
  • This morning we went to a little local cafe.. I had a bacon and egg burrito (no cheese) and three bites of biscuits and gravy.
After I ran this afternoon (around 12:30) I felt so great! .. and then... all of a sudden.. it HIT ME!
I "DECLARE" I have become Alergic to Freeday!.. I was literally doubled over in pain on the thrown for 45 mins!. Imagine the stomach flu ... cramping like I was in labor! (seriously) and nauseated like I was just off a roller coaster..
I am just tired of feeling bad every free day! and I need to get a grip on the fact that I just cant eat Pizza unless i want to pay for it.
I wonder what it means that I do this.. I mean.. is it because I have done the program so long that my body just rejects the inappropriate food without giving it a chance? Is anyone else have this bad of an experience every free day or is it just me?
When my husband came to ask if I was ok.. he said.. "Man.. if eating bad made be feel THAT bad I wouldnt eat bad" ..

so.. here I am wondering if why they call it Freeday.. Cause mine arent free.. I pay a price.
thinking now that I have done BFL for so long I need to rethink my idea of freeday and alter it in some way.. Figure out what free foods are ok for me. ..

tired of tummy trouble.


Josha said…
I don't know why you have such a reaction! I don't have the problem. I feel bloated and slow, but not like you describe! I know that allergies to wheat can do this to you...
Tearose said…
Oh man I hear ya. I felt so sick this last free day. Its to the point where I can't plan anything cuz I'll either be too bloated or asleep!