I DO FEEL GOOD! Hurrah! YIPEE! Praise the LORD!
I just finished my workout.. Friday Day 4 of my blitz..( EDIT THAT,.,. DAY 5)
I am just starting back up where I left off.. and it feels sooooo great!..
I did squats, leg ext, and leg curls.. I skipped the calf extensions because I always get shin splints when i do those not matter how much stretching i do!..
but hey.. I"M BACK!..
so happy..
eats are off.. but hoping tomorrow to get a menu planned and things bought for next week.
other great news.. we got our garage/gym cleaned out again.. it seems the garage is my dumping ground for the rest of the house.. when I declutter the house.. and the clutter goes to the garage until we can get it donated.. we gave a really cool round chair away cause we just dont have room.. and a desk and other things.. but I am happy someone else can use them and it can help brighten their day.. I am thrilled we can get our car in the garage again and that means when its out is so clean!.. The kids can jump rope or whatever while I workout..
and while i lifted weights.. su got a 20 min walk in on the treadmill.. she actually did 13 mins and i let her off .. she left the garage and came back and got back on.. like she was asking to go some more!.. so cool. :) .. she is so much happier when she has a good walk under her.. alot like me i suppose:)
we are going to a country concert tonight.. it should be fun! :)
more tomorrow after I run!!!!! :) (thanks for all the encouragement.. its so nice to be back to normal.. :)
what a difference a week makes!
(I was a bit upset when DS (6) took my picture.. but hey.. it was photo phriday! :) .. the other picture is tonight as I get ready to go to the concert :)
