OK.. so I am starting a "I DO Declare" challenge for myself today .. .. after writing the previous post I realized that part of my lack of going down any more sizes is directly related to not doing the program 100%. Heres what i mean:
Cardio: .. Bill says to do 20 mins of Hiits.. first thing in the morning before breakfast after drinking a glass of water.. this is what I USE to do.. I USE to wake up at 530 or 6 and get cardio out of the way. If I remember correctly the reason to do it this way is because it burns something like 300% more fat! ... now THATS a reason to get up early! ..Bill also suggests waiting an hour after cardio to eat.. so that's what I will begin doing again :)
I Do declare .. starting today.. I will do cardio first thing in the morning .. (well right after this post) and I will wait one hour after cardio to eat.
Weight lifting: I have gotten away from lifting weights first thing in the morning too.. I think this is the best way to go cause it 1. gets me in the habit of getting up and getting it done so life doesnt get in the way. and 2. it also burns more fat wouldnt you think? Also.. I will make sure I drink a protien shake within 10 mins of lifting.... so my body will have the fuel it needs to repair itself.. and I wont be so sore :) (I use to do both these things.. but have gotten away from them)
I DO Declare... starting tomorrow.. I will do my weight training first thing in the morning and drink a protein shake right after!
Eating: It seems recently that I have allowed myself too many "freebies" when it comes to eating.. making excuses and saying "it wont hurt to have a little" .. but eating clean yesterday made me realized (again) how much energy I have when I do eat correctly.. so..
I DO Declare .. Starting Today.. I will eat clean.. if its NOT on the BFL list.. then I will NOT eat it unless its freeday.
Planning: I have totally gotten away from planning my eats.. and going grocery shopping correctly.. Many years ago.. I use to shop one day a week and know exactly what I was going to eat/fix.. lately I have been going to the grocery store 3 times a week and not knowing what I would eat for each meal.. .. so..
I DO Declare .. starting today.. I will plan my meals and go shopping so I will know what I will be eating until my free day.
Water: Writing yesterdays post made me remember another thing I use to do. I use to get water bottles and figure out how many I needed to drink in a day to get close to a gallon of water in me a day. I have gotten totally away from this.. so...
I DO Declare.... starting today.. I will get water bottles and from the store and keep them filled and ready so I can drink almost a gallon of water a day..
I can totally see from reading this post that I have been doing MY version of BFL and NOT Bills version. The lack of progress is my fault for not following it to a T. I even got to thinking that "maybe this is my idea body size and will never get in better shape"... Is it possible that I could have a smaller size and more energy in my future? I think so.
more after cardio :)
9:57 am
cardio completed!!! feels so great to have it done.. I did the treadmill.. and had 9 Hiits!... I am destressed and full of energy! After cardio I put Su on the treadmill with me and I did 5 mins walking with her and then she did 5 mins by herself! .. I am so happy she has overcome her fear of treadmills and hope by the end of the week she will be running on it instead of just trotting.. :) I know running with her only 3 days a week is not near enough exercise for her.. she has so much energy ... I am also training my daughter to walk her on it too.. and eventually it will become one of the chores all the kids rotate :) "water, feed and walk the dog please :)"
Please see above in blue the things I remembered while running today that I needed to add to this Declare Challenge of mine..
If you are so inclined you are welcome to have a I Do Declare Challenge of your own :) ..
"We live and learn from our mistakes"
ok.. heres an update.. 4:47 pm
apple and peanut butter, 5 almonds water (an hour after I ran)
#2 Salad with boiled eggs, nuts, and a wasa bread, water
#3 a banana smoothie that Angell said was great.. and it IS. Heres a link. (the family LOVED it! .. thanks Angell!)
I made a whole serving and split it between the three kids, my DH and myself. I ate a few almonds with it.. and water
I have my shopping done dispite the fact I got to the check out and realized I had NO wallet! my purse but NO WALLET! urg!.. .. but I made it home and back and got the groceries home without anything melting :) I will try and post later tonight my menu of sorts.
ahh.. its so nice to have that cardio out of the way!
more later
Question on the morning weight lifting... I have never lifted in the morning before breakfast. Do you find you are stong enough? Actually, this may be what I need because part of my trepidation of going to the gym in the evening has been the crowd is SO THICK there. Especially for the next few months until everyone quits their programs... lol.
glad yall liked the post..
I just got home from the grocery store so i am stocked up! it was a feat but I did it! (UGH)
Ruth, great post...I Declare Too...always following in your footsteps...check out my post.