just finished.
leg extensions
dead lifts
side raises (straight arm)
tri extensions (laying down)
my goal tonight was to totally fatigue my legs. I think i did it. Walking up the stairs at coop tomorrow might be a bit painful (hopefully :) ...
wow.. doesnt lifting make you feel great!
did anyone else watch Oprah today? I DVR her show and only watch the ones i am interested in.. today was about people who lost an amazing amount of weight..(one lady start weight was over 700lbs!).. check out the before and afters on her site.. ... so inspirational!..
some of the people talked about how they got winded walking around in their house, or couldnt go up and down stairs.... all memories of what they use to be like.. so..
tonight when I lifted .. I went down memory lane.
I remembered what it felt like when I couldnt do even ONE lunge! It hurt too bad in my knees/feet and I didnt have the balance to hold myself! I remembered doing bent arm shoulder raises with a can of green beans in my hand cause my 3lbs weights (the lowest i had) were too heavy, i remember trying to run and having to quit after 10 paces-exhausted, i remember looking in the mirror and wanting to change but doubting I really could. I remembered laying in bed every night and praying for God to help me get healthy.
I remembered it tonight.. like it was yesterday! ... and I was thankful. I was proud. I was motivated. I was encouraged. I promised to never return to the person I use to be.
Remember Yesterday can be a good thing.
OK.. just read josha's blog..
.so if you are reading this consider yourself tagged!!
. I'm to tell 7 things about myself and then you are to tell 7 things about yourself on your blog!
here we go:
1. I am the only blonde in my family (3siblings) but I was born with red hair
2. I am a homeschooling mom of 3.. and Love learning together with my kids.
3. Some things I "love": I love to paint, listen to Dave Ramsey and watch Dr Oz, and Heroes, I love Dogs(would own 20 if I could), running in perfect weather, my ipod.
4. I have always wanted to learn to dance (maybe next year)
5. Things I enjoyed before having children: fishing, a normal belly button, sleeping all night, going on dates with my husband several times a week :), staying up really late and sleeping in on Saturdays,
6. I am scared of heights and get dizzy if I go up a mountain or up the stairs!
7. I was a "dorm mother" for 9 years. Living in a residence hall with 208 women! Oh the stories I could tell you! (but this list isnt long enough:)
Such a great post, and I enjoyed your seven. thanks