my yesterday and today

Thanks for all your comments and wondering where I was.. I guess this little blog thing really has become an amazing accountabiltiy and support group for me! I would have been back in my size 14s a long time ago if it wasnt for this blog!

heres whats been going on:

one thing I have noticed is that if I get stressed out that it really effects my willingness to workout and eat right. I was stressed out this past Sunday and Monday agonizing over my youngest son getting his immunizations. We made the decision to just get his last round in single injections over the course of months. The reason for this is to spread out the introduction of virus to his immune system and hopefully keep his immunity high so he doesn't get other illnesses this winter. (he has been to the doctor only once in the last 2.5 years!.. so I want to keep him well.).. (PS>. If I had known years ago what I know now about immunizations I would have done things so very differently.. but I cant go back in time.. Heres a link if you are interested in learning a bit more about this)
I was so stressed over being "different" and worried my doctor would give me a hard time... but .. as usually happens.. the doctor was fine with it all and my little guy didnt even cry when he got the shot!....
but that stress I put myself under caused me to not want to exercises or eat right.. what is more interesting is that I didnt even realize it was doing this to me until this morning!

another thing happened on Monday.. I made my oatmeal and went to grab my teaspoon of brown sugar to put in it.. which has been that only sugar I have been taking in lately... and we were out of brown sugar.. so I put in some white sugar! .. then .... all of a sudden.. I was 7 years old again and at my Grandmas house in my head and HAD to have some butter in it too!.. Yesterday I had issues all day with energy and eating correctly.. and actually poured myself some Dr pepper ... .. Its interesting how I reason it all out in my head "Well.. I am bloated and have NO energy so I will just drink a DP and it will give me energy and help me get the house clean....." .. but Ladies.. with me.. its a vicious cycle.. a little sugar turns into a little more and a little more and before I knew it this morning.. I had white sugar in my oatmeal AND 8 oz of DP!..
another thing that I have to remember is that Sugar does the opposite thing to me that I want it to.... no wonder I didnt run yesterday.. I was riding a roller coaster of sugar highs and lows. .....
so.. I am here (again).. to stop my ride.. to get off the roller coaster and get back on the feeling great cause I am feeding my body what it NEEDS instead of what my 7 or 8 year old girl brain reverts back too..
conscious eating ..... thats the goal today! ..

The good news is that I am still off of breads and crackers.. i have no cravings whatsoever for those two things.. i dont even miss them.. so.. two addicting foods down and one to go (well.. for now anyway :)..

Heres is my plan..
I will start putting stevia in my oatmeal from now on..
the DP will get poured down the drain as soon as I post
I will focus today on drinking lots of water

I am fixing to go lift weights and will post my workout when I am finished.

I knew getting off sugar was going to be one of the hardest things I have ever done.. ... i havent given up yet :) .. :)

just finished a killer workout.. 3bs today.. lunges, plie squats, lat pulldowns, rows, bi curls and concentration curls. .. oh.. and deadlifts :) ..
I focused on really burning out my tushy with the deadlifts and lunges.. the deadlifts seemed to be "hitting" a section of my tush were I could really feel it! .. so hopefully i will be sore tomorrow .. I also turned up the volume on my bis.. trying to get a real good burn..

I just cant say enough what a workout does for me!.. I was motivated as soon as I stepped in front of the mirror! .. I am noticing new muscles and 'cuts' every workout!.. its so cool to see more definition and it makes me want to just keep going.. wondering what I will look and feel like this time next year!

I took a pic after I lifted .. and its funny how our minds play "tricks" on us. Here I was feeling bloated and lathargic.. I "felt" like I looked like I had gained 10 lbs.. but the picture proved me wrong!.. I AM making progress!.. ( I will post the pics after DH gets home with his computer:)

ok.. heres my eats so far today:
m1: oatmeal with white sugar :(, and ten min later 8oz dp and 1/4 cup cheerios)
m2: clamentine orange, salad with chicken and nuts. water
m3: apple and peanut butter, water
m4: taco stew with 2 corn bread squares, water
m5: protien shake

feeling great and knowing I will be on track today!.. I plan on painting more clouds on the boys ceiling today! ..(after schooling is over of course :) ..

(updated.. )
I just updated the meals above.. did pretty good today... and I am feeling better too!.. although i am really tired from all the work I did today!.. which is a good thing..

off to bed.. more tomorrow .. after coop.



Josha said…
Yay!! Just always get back on track! Good for you! Funny thing, pictures do the opposite for me...I think I'm making progress, then I see a picture....