today is monday.. spose to be a 3b day.. but I just had to post to say that today was so beautiful that I just HAD to go for a run. I also know that a cold front is coming our way and will be cccccccold from wednesday night through next week.. so.. I took some time to enjoy my last bit of fall weather in anticipation of winter.
I will be doing 3bs in about 30 mins and will post when i am finished.
eats today were good.. one bobble..
1. oatmeal with water
2. salad with 6 oz dp (bobble)
3 almonds and choc chips (just a few) water
4. wasa bread (1 slice) and water (just wasnt hunger and was in the middle of scrubbing the bathrooms so this had to do)
5. chicken, green beans, sweet tato.. water
6 will be a shake. (after I workout)
nate I on his way getting over his cough.. he slept all night last night and today has been back to high energy with just a few coughs here and there.. (I am so glad)... I am busy getting the house ready for visitors but and I sooo glad everyone is coming cause it really gets me motivated to clean!.. next thing on my list is to get the garage-gym :
heres some shots of the after.. of the boys room! yipee! ..
(the wilson sign above the closet is actuall a sign that hung in the barn of the joels great aunt fanny.. she died a few years back at 105!.. she was a great lady.. but one cool thing about the sign is it has the milk cows names on the back of it! .. )
more after 3bs :)
ok.. 3bs done.. my legs were pretty tired so i did three sets of 10 but I could feel it.. I spent some quality time on bis tonight.. concentration curls mostly.. nice and slow.. should be sore tomorrow :) ...
happy workout!
I might have to go for a jog tomorrow too!
there is a possibility of snow here on friday! (WHAT?).. burrrrrr.
off to iron a shirt for DH :) ..