just enjoying the last free day :)

ok.. so holidays bring out the free day in me.. free day from everything! .. :)

so.. I have just been shoppin, eatin, and restin, .. and enjoying some family time:)

good thing about free days it already puts the desire in me to get back to normal :)..

as a side note ..
I think this is the first holiday in a VERY long time that I have not had a horrible tummy ache! (yipee:) so although its been a free few days.. they have been good .

I have been looking in to this: (in case you are interested)
abundance food list

my goal between now and Monday is to get my grocery list back together and organized.. and stocked for the week. I am tired of going to the store every other day. I just wonder how I am spose to get fresh fruits and veggies and keep them fresh for a week. It seems that when I buy fresh I have to go to the store Monday, Wed, and Friday... ..

ok.. gotto go. we are going to play apples to apples. :)


Josha said…
do you have the books? Interesting. I need a new cookbook...
yay for starting back! Upper body for me today