Ok.. I just finished cardio (2.24 miles) and while I
was running I had a thought.. how about a 21 Day Ab challenge.. I am going to do it.. if you want to challenge yourself thats GREAT too.. if not.. no big deal (no pressure)... I decided to focus on Abs by taking before pictures (see below) and i will take after pictures on Nov 20th.. to see if there is any change.. this is to keep me focused on eating clean.. :) .. and making progress.. :)... My goals are:)
to keep eating like I have (no bread, cookies, chips, or cokes etc.. except on free days)
to crank up my ab workouts.. (which I HAD slacked a bit on)...
and to focus on great cardio workouts.
I have always heard that abs are made in the kitchen.. not the gym... and this is another reason I am focusing on Abs.. :) I consider between now and June 1 (7 months) my Body for Life EAT healthy challenge. :) .. Can I change my High carb habits? we will see in 7 months :)

now.. for my post from earlier today:
did you do cardio yet? .. me neither :).. but i will in a few minutes..
I just wanted to check in with everyone and see how life was treating you all..
I had a "issue" with eats today but its funny.. I came through just fine...
meal #1: oatmeal with dry cranberries, water
meal #2: trail mix (equal carbs to protien mix), water
meal #3: salad with ham, tea and wasa wafer
meal #4: apple with peanut butter, water,
extra meal:) Homemade popcorn with a tad of butter and salt.. (not bad) but then I wanted a coke to go with it.. so I poured one up.. took two sips and then switched to water.. the coke just didnt taste good.. could it be that my taste buds are changing? ..
its now almost 530 and I am heading to the garage to run on the treadmill.. (dh is out of town until tomorrow so I cant go run by myself today.. then the kids and i will probably dance)
Meal #5: roasted beef, carrots, tea
Meal #6: will be a shake
today I stared noticing more changes in my muscle/fat ratio.. its so funny.. my rings are getting so loose .. seems I am loosing some "fat" in my chest-armpit area, and my knee had a little indention today when I was driving the car that wasnt there last week:) .. things are changing.. but its funny... where I WANT to loose (my tummy) it seems it def. be the very very very last place it will come off of. ..
someone said the FIRST place you gain weight is the LAST place you loose it at.. (wonder why) :)
gotta go run . more after I finish..
and finally.. this is for josha