well.. I am not working out today (obviously) or yesterday. I was so busy yesterday .. not that I am making excuses.. I decided to miss.. and again today I chose to miss.. I am sore from my workout on Wed. and today I am really really sore on my right shoulder.. so much so it "hurt" to hang out laundry today :) .. I didnt hurt it lifting.. I am pretty sure I strained it helping put up tables yesterday at the science fair.. .. so.. a bit of a rest today was what Dr Ruthie ordered :) .. .. anyway.. I plan to run to bike tomorrow.. unless the shoulder still hurts.
as far as eats.. .. not too good yesterday and today.. but I consider it free so its ok.. :) ..
will try and be on target tomorrow as much as possible..
Heres what i did today instead of working out:
laundry.. lots and lot and lots of laundry
helped DH clean the garage/gym
cooked three things from scratch
cleaned the kitchen.. and then got it dirty again..
got the gray out of my hair
ran to the store..
watched the rest of Pan's Labyrinth (had to close my eyes and ears in a lot of parts since its rate R.. but it was really good.. I am so glad DH can tell me when its ok to look again :).. I hate see in the mean and violent parts of movies )
and. rubbed my shoulder :)
more tomorrow
as far as eats.. .. not too good yesterday and today.. but I consider it free so its ok.. :) ..
will try and be on target tomorrow as much as possible..
Heres what i did today instead of working out:
laundry.. lots and lot and lots of laundry
helped DH clean the garage/gym
cooked three things from scratch
cleaned the kitchen.. and then got it dirty again..
got the gray out of my hair
ran to the store..
watched the rest of Pan's Labyrinth (had to close my eyes and ears in a lot of parts since its rate R.. but it was really good.. I am so glad DH can tell me when its ok to look again :).. I hate see in the mean and violent parts of movies )
and. rubbed my shoulder :)
more tomorrow