One thing I think is that this whole "getting in shape-healthy" thing is all about a process. I have to go through a process of eleminating one "bad" habit after another. First was the bad habit of NO exercise. (got that one).. the second one was the bad habit of eating ice cream every night (got that one), the third was getting off cokes (got that one) and in the mists of all this was getting IN the habit of eating five to six times a day. (got that down) and now.. its time for me to conquere another habit. The habit of bread crackers and more bread.
this habit seems almost over welming to get over.. understanding that I use to come home from school as a child and eat an entired "row" of crackers all by myself! .. crazy huh? eps when you throw in the coke I had along with it! .. cheerios and crackers and white bread where my "staples" as a kid.. morning noon and night.. so.. to go .. even ONE day without any of these is HUGE for me :) ..
but I am at the point where I am ready, mentally ready to conquer this one.. so here are the "rules" for my challenge:
I will not eat bread, crackers, chips, cookies, or other floury processed foods during the week.
I WILL eat it on my free day.. just like any other free day.. it's FREE!
What am i hoping to accomplish by all this?
to prove to myself that I have self control.
to (hopefully) get ride of some excess yeast in my diet
to keep my blood sugars at a more even level by not over doing it on carbs.. but by having balance.
and yes
to shed a few last lbs and trim up a bit.
to set a healthy example for my kids. it seems in-spite of living the BFL lifestyle i have encouraged my kids to be "carb-0-holics" like I use to be .. they would fill up on crackers, can peaches, chips etc.. even if i didnt eat it I had i for THEM to eat. ..
we are ALL eating this way and on our free day. YIPEE.. its free.
My first goal was to get through today.. and I know if i can do this today.. I can do it tomorrow an the next etc...
I just needed a new challenge :)
PS>> I am sore from yesterday but its a good sore.. :)
more tomorrow after I lift
OH.. another goal DH and I have it to get back in the habit of exercise first thing in the morning. tomorrow morning starts our other challenge.. trying to go 21 days in a row with not missing a morning workout :)
heres my meals for the day..
heres my meals so far today:
meal #1: oatmeal with tablespoon brown sugar, water
meal #2: (lunch) tuna with mir. whip, almonds, raisins, and apple (all on the side) .. water (I am totally satisfied and it all tasted GREAT to me for some reason.
Update (again ).. 4:14pm.. what I have found is that my brain doesnt know how to think of a meal without bread! without crackers.! .. what do I do if i want to eat peanut butter.. you cant eat it by itself! so here is what I came up this this afternoon.
meal #3: tablespoon natural peanut butter with oil drained off, 10 almonds, 1/2 teaspoon grape jelly, a few dried cranberries. (I like the tad bit of jelly with a helping of peanut butter.. its amazing.. tastes just like a pb and j! .. but there is no bread!)
Meal #4: bed of lettuce (butter lettuce, romaine, spinach) with left over ground beef, 1 tsp thousand island, aprox two teaspoon sunflower seeds. tea
I will have a shake before bed.. but wont post again until tomorrow.
(you all probably think I have just gone crazy! I know I have posted a lot today.. and I will probably continue to do so as i make a transition into this way of eating. if it gets to long.. its ok.. dont feel like you have to read it.. its mostly blog therapy anyway :) :) ..