weekend update

no workouts this weekend..

today I ate tooo much sugar (this morning) and ended up all day with a bothersome headache.. and no energy.

feeling better right now but am tired from staying up too late and getting up too early :)

I am pretty sure I am going to continue with the body for life workouts but change my diet to the "YOU on a diet" diet.. .. I have read bits of the book while angell was here.. (she bought it here)..
I have one on hold for me at the library. :) .. wont start until I read it.. but I have seen both of these Drs on Oprah... I need to get more "not good for you" foods out of my diet :) .. (they have a top 5 ingredients that you shouldnt eat).. but more on that later.. after i get the book :)

I have officially decided to definitely NOT go to my reunion. I am happy with the decision. Checked with a classmate and found out they are not attending either.. so.. I will wait until the next one.. But good news:).. My DH has something special planned for my birthday :) so that is something fun to look forward too :)


gotta go to bed.. DH is going to work early.. so its early to bed early to rise for me :)

hows your weekend?


JoAnn said…
pretty sad that most likely they'll have 10 people at the 20th reunion. But I agree with you...its crazy but they've made it difficult for everybody. Oh well, here comes the baby girl's 39th birthday PARTAAAYYYY! Cain't wait to see ya today. Off to get ready. Love ya! Jojo