Posting Pictures

well. I finally took pictures today for challenge 5 ending a few days ago.. DH has been working out too.. and so we took this picture (the kids talked us into it :)
can you believe the guns on these too old folks! 39 isnt looking so bad after all :)

Click on "challenge 5 before and after" on the side bar.

I finished my workout around 530.. three Bs today.. felt great.. squats, lunges, leg extensions, leg curls, bi curls, back lat pull downs. .. felt good.
I had NO energy and again.. didnt want to work out.. I stayed up until 2 am last night (i couldnt fall asleep!!.. ) finally decided I needed to eat a bit.. I did. and fell asleep at around 2.. so today.. I was fine until about 4 this afternoon..
felt great to lift anyway.. :) yipee.. got that blood pumping and now I feel great!

happy 3Bs day!



Unknown said…
LOVE the pics, you're awesome!
JoAnn said…
You guys are SO CUTE! And buffed to boot! Ru, the not sleeping is back to low blood sugar. I've been doing that for the past two weeks and my eats are really ... really out of balance. ARGH! When will I learn?! See you tmorrow night!!! Love, JJ
Josha said…
I LOVE IT! Such a fun pic of the two of you, and look at YOU!!!!!