well. I finally took pictures today for challenge 5 ending a few days ago.. DH has been working out too.. and so we took this picture (the kids talked us into it :)
can you believe the guns on these too old folks! 39 isnt looking so bad after all :)

Click on "challenge 5 before and after" on the side bar.
I finished my workout around 530.. three Bs today.. felt great.. squats, lunges, leg extensions, leg curls, bi curls, back lat pull downs. .. felt good.
I had NO energy and again.. didnt want to work out.. I stayed up until 2 am last night (i couldnt fall asleep!!.. ) finally decided I needed to eat a bit.. I did. and fell asleep at around 2.. so today.. I was fine until about 4 this afternoon..
felt great to lift anyway.. :) yipee.. got that blood pumping and now I feel great!
happy 3Bs day!