Off day today.

I am taking today off..
My feet are hurting from standing for 6 hours :) ..

co-op was great fun today.. I actually had fun today:)

We are all tired.. I plan on just resting and just making every Thursday my free day..

I got an email from an old highschool friend saying "i thought you were coming to the reunion?".. bummer to have to let her down.. but oh well.. I will try and see her next time I am in town. :)

How was your day?


JoAnn said…
Yeah, that school stuff just wears ya out, don't it...teehee! You big baby, as Paul used to say...hahah! Off to M&Ds this weekend, and to get my hair dun, wish me luck! :) Love ya, JJ
Unknown said…
Did you decide not to go??
Ruthie said…
oh yes Sara.. decided not to go.. too many other things we need to be doing instead (money wise and just family wise :) ..
Josha said…
wondering about your Friday!
glad thursday went so well!