kick my tushy run

just finished run and abwork..
hot and tired.
I did 2.5 miles and threw in 5 up and downs on the ad building steps.. also two hard sprints.. UGH.. that was tough.

eats today were not balanced at all .. way too many carbs.. to little protien... need to plan for better tomorrow.. ..

trying to remember progress not perfection.

Looking forward to the fall and winter makes me automatically dread it. .. well.. in a exercise sort of way. .. .. I know when it gets cold.. I have issues with getting out the door.. and tend to lean towards eats being not as good. I am hoping that YOU on a diet might be my answer this fall.. but I have to realize that this winter..but when it comes down to it.. there are things that just need to be off my menu... easier said than done.

off to make supper for he fam...

how was your tuesday?


Unknown said…
I'm looking forward to winter - less humidity!!! :-D Eats will be harder for me too, especially around Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I'm going to give myself those, although I will probably feel really sick afterward. Time for me to do abs and yoga!
JoAnn said…
Reading lots of wisdome here o' sis of mine. Looking ahead and seeing potential "land mines" is huge in how we stay on our program(s). So yieepee for you for seeing that you've got to be a tad more dilligent in the coming months because of the weather and general blah that the winter season brings for some of us. Keep up tha good workness! love, JJ