YOU vs BFL plus Hot bike ride (updated)

Ok.. so.. my bike is broken.. so.. what's a girl to do? Well.. ride someone elses of course :)

I took DHs bike on a 7.5 mile ride this afternoon. Its been sooo long since I have gotten to ride that it just felt GREAT to get out there again :) Bad news is I will be a bit sore tomorrow :) ..

not much time cause I have to take the kids to our first Bible Bowl meeting in 20 mins..

more later


Ok.. so I am back home after Bible bowl and grocery shopping :) ..

Josha had a question as to the YOU on a diet book. ..
I read more of the book and I DO like it.. but I dont know how much different it really is than BFL.. Here's what I mean:

YOU: eat 6 times a day
BFL: Ditto
YOU: Red meat once a week or less
BFL: Ditto (i think)
YOU: Whole foods better than prepackaged
BFL: Ditto

Unique things of YOU:
Dumping your fridge and kitchen of the following: If any food has the following as the first 5 ingredients.. you dump it .. :)
Simple Sugar (Brown sugar, white sugar, dextrose, corn sweetener, fructose, glucose, corn syrup, honey, invert sugar, maltose, lactose, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, and sucrose)
but keep a bit of table sugar, honey and maple sugar to use in recipes.
Saturated Fat: any fat that comes from a 4 legged animal
Trans Fat : Partially hydrogenated fats
Enriched Flours: use only 100% whole wheat.

I think this goes pretty well with BFL.

.. so.. do I recommend YOU on a diet? Yes.. but why?.. Is it Better than BFL? I think its pretty close.. but the reason I think this is a great book to read is because it educates you on how your body processes foods and what those foods actually do to your body.

The workout part of YOU is complementary to BFL.. but I think BFL is a bit more advanced way of working out.. and a bit more efficient. YOU recommends stretching everyday, lifting weights, walking 30 mins a day.. all of which go well with BFL.

So.. long story short.. YOU on a diet is a great book .. I think what I will do .. however is work towards tweaking my BFL diet to get rid of more things (like the list above) and insert more Yoga and Stretching into my day :) .. If anything..reading YOU on a diet has made me more determined to eat healthy and take care of this body of mine :) ..

NOW.. I am going to go have some fun playing with a new theme for my blog :) ..

Happy Sunday


Unknown said…
I like the new theme a lot! I also like the idea of stretching and such everyday, I try to do it after I work out now. I think the ridding the fridge idea sounds awesome, and I plan on doing it as soon as I don't have roommates, since I cannot dictate to them what we can and cannot eat, and we get groceries together, cook together etc. So it may be a few years, but I think it sounds wonderful!
JoAnn said…
Love the new look to the blog. I changed mine a bit too. You know me, can't keep things the same for too long...gets boring! Sounds like YOU and BFL are about the same, and you know the results of BFL...why mess with a good thing, right? Keep up the good work! love, Jj
Josha said…
is it "fourty" or "forty?" I don't think there's a u...
That's the grammar/spelling teacher in me peeking through, but I like your changes and the YOU info! When is forty? My legs are so sore, you can join me in delightful misery.
Josha said… can't back out of this WILL turn forty. You can't decide to skip it! lol