ok.. Well... its like I cant post unless i am hot and sweaty :) .. so here it goes .... (oh..and I figured out I post better when I stink too :)

so.. heres the deal:

Went to Houston
had a blast.
no workouts (3 days in a row)
no good eats (today is my fourth day but I got back on track at 3pm today)

We had a wonderful time in houston I have all my things ordered and or purchased for our schooling and it feels good to have that all done :) A and A(my sil friend) had lots of fun shopping, eating at really fun resturaunts (like cafe adobe, cheesecake factory, and others.). and getting to see Bourne Ultimatem .. I LOVE that series of movies! Angell made the BEST popcorn i have ever tasted ( we got a large and split it.. she did her magic with the butter and salt.. and OH my.. what a tummy ache was to come! :)

so.. a nice relaxing fun filled weekend.

We got home this afternoon... made it back in only 5.5 hours (traffic was GREAT) but when we got home our AC unit wasnt working correctly.. so .... as i sit here and type I am doing so ... a la natural (no ac).. but .. good news is we have a great guy down the street who is a AC man and he came and checked it out for us.. he thinks its just a little panel we have to replace and it should be no biggie.. but we cant get the peice until tomorrow.. so tonight.. we are wishing we were up there with the bears :) hehe

I have had tummy issues (to say the least) all weekend.. but it seems the long 2.5 mile run and 1 mile walk right afterward helped things alot (I just finished that about 30 mins ago).. so I now can say I my digestive system is back to normal and looking forward to my normal eats.

ok.. so.. heres the big news..

I have about 6 weeks left until my reunion.. so.. after a few days rest.. I am ready to get serious! seriously! so.. goals for this week are to eat clean, try and drink a gallon of water a day ( thats what I use to drink all the time .. many years ago) and literally push my muscles to the limit. I am seriousy considering a section of 2-a-days (in a few weeks).. I will keep you posted there :)


heres to an AMAZILY fun girls weekend and to getting back on track !!!!

"be brave, be strong, and if you fall.... get your tushy back up!!!"
