read below for my days update.. the next few pictures are from this evening.. I tell you what girls I am really making some progress when it comes to upper body! :) have fun laughing!

got to sleep last night at around 1 am.. woke up many times for different reasons.. got out of bed at 830 this morning.. dressed and was determined not to miss my workout eventhough I was exhausted! the phone rang.. Angell :) .. she had just finished her workout and said "go get your workout done.. you will feel better!" .. and she was right! I DO!
"mens" pushups and 24 as burnouts (with about 30 seconds rest in between)
triceps.. used a 10lbs sand ball they had... did over head extensions:) three sets of 15 and burnouts were 24 dips on weight bench with legs straight
shoulders.. straight arm side raises while holding plate weights and 24 seated extensions with plate weights.
I then did abs cause I missed those yesterday... I did sets of 20 ... reg crunches, reverse crunches, bike crunches, hipups, and then 3 sets of plank holding it for 20 count.
I feel sooo much better and can tell I have had a great workout cause my arms are just shaking as I type!
Now the goal is to get through today with clean eats. Lazang. and french bread is on the menu for tonight.. so.. we will see how I handle all this.. I just really really dont want to loose any ground I have made the last few weeks. I want to progress and not slide back.. and for me I know its alllll about what I put in my mouth!
I will take pics in a few and see if I can load them after while..
happy I can still post .. I can tell its going to really help keep me more on track than I would have if I didnt have it :) (great support system!)
hows your Wednesday?
Back from my Fiesta Tx trip... it was so fun.. I am tired but we all had a great HOT time. I reapplied sunscreen as much as i could so hopefully none of us got sunburned.. the sun was intense!!!!!!
Heres my eats update:
good news.. I got a tan! :) I also took my pics.. will try and get them loaded in a few :)OOOPS .. must realized I didnt bring the cord to connect my camera to the computer;( picture update will have to wait until Sunday or Monday :)
PPPRRRROgress NOT perfection :)

got to sleep last night at around 1 am.. woke up many times for different reasons.. got out of bed at 830 this morning.. dressed and was determined not to miss my workout eventhough I was exhausted! the phone rang.. Angell :) .. she had just finished her workout and said "go get your workout done.. you will feel better!" .. and she was right! I DO!
"mens" pushups and 24 as burnouts (with about 30 seconds rest in between)
triceps.. used a 10lbs sand ball they had... did over head extensions:) three sets of 15 and burnouts were 24 dips on weight bench with legs straight
shoulders.. straight arm side raises while holding plate weights and 24 seated extensions with plate weights.
I then did abs cause I missed those yesterday... I did sets of 20 ... reg crunches, reverse crunches, bike crunches, hipups, and then 3 sets of plank holding it for 20 count.
I feel sooo much better and can tell I have had a great workout cause my arms are just shaking as I type!
Now the goal is to get through today with clean eats. Lazang. and french bread is on the menu for tonight.. so.. we will see how I handle all this.. I just really really dont want to loose any ground I have made the last few weeks. I want to progress and not slide back.. and for me I know its alllll about what I put in my mouth!
I will take pics in a few and see if I can load them after while..
happy I can still post .. I can tell its going to really help keep me more on track than I would have if I didnt have it :) (great support system!)
hows your Wednesday?
Back from my Fiesta Tx trip... it was so fun.. I am tired but we all had a great HOT time. I reapplied sunscreen as much as i could so hopefully none of us got sunburned.. the sun was intense!!!!!!
Heres my eats update:
- protein powder in ice water with 3/4 cup cheerios (dry)
- turkey breast sandwich meat with 8 lays plain chips, water
- 2 peanut snack bars- (this was while at fiesta.... I was STARVING and started feeling bad.. but felt much better after i ate and drank some water)
- chick fila sandwich, waffle fries, med. coke (I know.. NOT on program.. but I was ssssttttt starving.. .... I am trying to not feel bad about this.. and figure it will be ok.. since I will not eat Lasagna and french bread tonight... :)
- will have a protein shake before bed.(choc)
good news.. I got a tan! :) I also took my pics.. will try and get them loaded in a few :)OOOPS .. must realized I didnt bring the cord to connect my camera to the computer;( picture update will have to wait until Sunday or Monday :)
PPPRRRROgress NOT perfection :)
I lost 22 pounds after thinking I had a pancreatitis attack on May 7, 2007. I was told that oils and over stimulation of the pancreas was the reason for my abdominal pain. It was then that I knew, with Dr. Tony Rector's recommendation, that my eating habits had to change and cut out all oils. So, I cut out all oils-sugar-aspartame and began to eat 6 small meals/snacks per day. The reason I cut out sugars is because most fat-free products up the sugar content to replace taste. So to compensate, I have eliminated the sugar too.
What I have found is that I no longer crave the sugary baked foods. Don't miss the potato chips, fried foods or other detrimental foods that were causing me pain! Essentially I eat no/little fat and no red meats. I never thought I was ever going to be thinner again as I struggled for years trying to lose the 5 lbs. here and there.
My suggestion only is that if you want to drop the weight-go no fat. With exercise I haven't lost muscle tone. 22 pounds in 2 1/2 months amazes me(started at 168 and now am 146)
All this to say-You can do it if your life counts on it! And, being healthy is important. This is what has helped me refrain from eating the things I used to be addicted to.
Blessings to all on the journey of wellness,