Door #1

you know how when you addicted to cokes, or sugar, or whatever.. and you dont eat it you start to feel bad.... low energy, and just sometimes start to feel like you are just having a bad day.. Well.. thats what i felt like today.

It seems I need to rethink my schedule a bit.. I havent been getting up before everyone else because DH has been working until late or we have just stayed up late because of other things. As a result i feel like I wake up and I am behind. i dont like that.. not at all.. SO.. hopefully over the next week i can get a handle on my schedule and get into a good routine :) heres how today went

Breakfast for the family
Iron DHs shirt
talked to Angell
Ate Breakfast while watching "I Lost It"
worked with the kids on their memory verses (which they have to say by this evening)
went to the church for them to say all but 2 to our childrens minister
home for lunch
book work at the table with the kids
organized the kids pencil drawers (with crayons, etc in them)
organized allllll our books.. separating out the ones that we have no room for and that need to go someone else or to the attic... (please note.. this took me what seemed like alllll day.. it was actually 3 hours! ... I know.. lots of books!)

by this time (345.. i was starting to get impatient with the kids and the dog! .. they had so much energy and I just started to feel overwelmed with all I had to do today.. Mind you.. the kitchen is STILL a mess .. even as i type..).. I really wished for a coke or dr pepper but we had none in the house.. and it was then that I realized my old pattern was trying to come back.. and I stopped right then.. got my workout clothes on and went to the garage for the 3Bs..

I am now hot and stinky.. but OH my what a change. I feel soooooo much better.. heres what i did

lunges, stretching inbetween each set (I am sooooo sore from the last few days of workouts!)
leg extensions, stretching
ballerina squats
rows and bent over rows
bi curls, and preacher curls

I guess when it comes down to it.. I have a choice..

Door #1
be "addicted" to working out (by addicted I mean.. feeling bad when i dont workout and great when i do)


Door #2
be 'addicted" to food (by addicted i mean ... feeling bad and turning to sugar for my energy instead of oxygen, strength, and endorphins :)


I chose

door #1

now back to reality..
time to clean that kitchen :)


JoAnn said…
LOVE this post! You're so awesome to share your frustrations! And the outcome/resolution you came to. Thats what I love about reading these connects us as humans in that we all basically have the same struggles! Mine yesterday was about quitting. UGH! So, you go girl! you're doing GREAT!!!!
love ya muchly,
Unknown said…
Congrats! I need to choose that door more often too! I'm hoping to now that school will be starting soon and I will have a schedule.