I updated my weekly pictures ..click on "ch 5 weekly photos" on the side bar to see them
some pictures for fun.. and because I cant remember my password for my homeschool/family blog.. its been so long since I posted there.. I sure hope I can find where I wrote it down... but in the mean time.. heres some pictures
below are pictures from this past weekend .. we went and saw DHs old homeplace.. this is where he grew up.... In the east tx woods :)

below is my bed room before:
below is a picture of the nighstands we got at a garage sale.. I painted them brown as well..

this is a picture of some of the stuff that came out of my bedroom (mostly under the bed) that is NOT going back there :)
this is after :) see under the bed? no clutter :) .. and you can see the endtable too :)

this is after the pic from today.. still clean and decluttered :)
below is the boys room after I decluttered.. took out two desks, a fish tank, tv, shelf, keyboard, and lots and lots of other clutter :)
below is cats new bed :)

these are before and afters of our bathroom remodel.. I think you will be able to tell what is before and what is after:)

we took out the window.. see.. now we have a pretty candle wall thingie there now :)

some pictures for fun.. and because I cant remember my password for my homeschool/family blog.. its been so long since I posted there.. I sure hope I can find where I wrote it down... but in the mean time.. heres some pictures
below are pictures from this past weekend .. we went and saw DHs old homeplace.. this is where he grew up.... In the east tx woods :)

this is a picture of some of the stuff that came out of my bedroom (mostly under the bed) that is NOT going back there :)

this is after the pic from today.. still clean and decluttered :)

below is the boys room after I decluttered.. took out two desks, a fish tank, tv, shelf, keyboard, and lots and lots of other clutter :)

these are before and afters of our bathroom remodel.. I think you will be able to tell what is before and what is after:)
