ok.. today is weekly picture day.. so
cat took some shots first thing this morning.. and ladies.. I cant believe the muscles that are showing up! esp in my back! I am so thrilled to visually see the progress that I knew I was feeling but I had NO idea I was actually getting so cut :)
The first bi pic is from after challenge 2.. the other two are from this morning.. Celebrating todays progress!!!!
I forgot to post yesterdays eats:
eggs & toast
watermelon, deviled eggs, 1 lf cheese stick

1/2 sonic burger, 5 chips (was painting at MIL house)
1 slice of bread with peanut butter
K.. gotta go.. I did post my weekly pictures. just click here :)
Progress is so SWEET!
UPDATE - Secrets revealed :)
OK.. so Josha asked me to reveal my secrets.. I guess I really dont have any secrets.. but here is what I have been doing differently compared to the previous challenges: (not in any particular order)
- Different mindset- reading about how Bill said we needed to be our own trainers really stuck with me.. I try to me my own trainer in thought (mind set) so when I eat and workout I have mental dialog like I would if I were training someone else "is that the correct form for that exercise?, could you do more weight? how about giving me "x" more on those... that wasnt good enough.. do it over!" eating dialog: " is that correct portion size? balanced meals? are you hungry or thirsty? if you really want that chip.. you can have some but only 4 or 5.. no more! and if you have the chips.. cut back on some other carb so you will be balanced!
- In the same area as mindset.. I started purposefully putting things (images) infront of me that were positive. Every day I DVR some "weight loss or transformation" show. Lat week i watch Regis and Kelly .. they had a whole week of "R and Ks Fitness and Eats" (by the way.. who knew Gelman was such an a amazing athlete.. .. now Kelly.. she is just too tiny in my humble .. but I am glad she is gaining some muscle now :) I also DVR "I Lost It" which shows two people who have lost a significant amount of weight.. through different methods, and of course "The Biggest Looser" .... I just watch about 30 mins max of one of these shows every morning while eating breakfast and before working out. Talk about motivating me to give it my all.. Those shows do it for me and put me in the correct mind set that "change is good.. HARD sometimes.. but Good!"
- I got tired of not making progress. Last challenge I just went through the motions.. and got frustrated cause I wasnt progressing.. well.. should of known it was all my fault :) I wasnt hitting 10s in most of my workouts.. and was rarely sore..... I realized I needed to "crank it up a notch" if I wanted to see progress.
- I made excuses.. "I have had three babies.. two my c-section.. my stomach will NEVER go away.. " BUT I looked around and found some people who have had as many kids as me and who dont have the baby belly like I did.. what was the difference? Well.. I realized that my baby belly really was just fat and I got tired of having it hang over my jeans... I became determined to get rid of it!
- I had to come to terms with my eating. Realizing that if I wanted to feel good and have energy I had to feed my body correctly.
- I found JOY in exercising again.. Biking has brought the fun back into exercising .. instead of Cardio being a "CHORE" and something I HAVE to do.. its something I GET to do.. and something I CANT wait to go out and do! I look forward to riding ... its relaxing but at the same time and really hard workout (esp the hills) ..
- I decided to get the kids involved too.. which in turn means an extra cardio session for me:) which equals fun with the kids AND more calories burned! :)
- oh.. and CLA.. very very little soda when I DO have some.. and I have really cut back on sugar intake esp on my free days (after feeling so horrible a few free days I learned my lesson)
I am considering taking creatine.. will do some reading before I do.. I will post about it later..
heres my workout for today
1 hour bike ride with the kids and the dog
followed by the 3Bs! ..
as soon as I post I will be doing ab work on the exercise ball cause I didnt get it all in yesterday :)
thanks for reading.. thanks for being fitness partners, .. thanks for being so inspirational! I would have never made it this far without you!
"Believe in your Dreams!
You look amazing!