Today was a good day

here's why:
  1. I exercised hard!
  2. I ate well
  3. I worked hard
  4. Laundry half way done!
  5. Car in the garage!
You might notice I added a "weight loss" ticker to the side bar.. I have always loved tickers and thought this would be fun. I have a goal of getting down to 120lbs. This weight is right in the middle of the range for healthy weight for my height. I have said many times "i dont care how much I weigh.. as long as I have muscle and am healthy." But now that I have thought about it.. I DO care... because if I didnt I would still weight the 168lbs I use too. So.. I think that if my goals are
  • to be healthy
  • to be strong
  • to be fit
and I can accomplish these while reaching my goal weight.. then everything's great!

So.. Heres to another goal.. and another way to become a more fit, energetic me! :)


Unknown said…
Hooray! I like the idea of a new goal! I need to make some for myself.
Josha said…
You can do it!! Don't even think of getting discouraged!! Your mind just needed a break so that you could concentrate again! You're in a zone now! Yay for you!
Josha said…
just checkin' in! Another good day?