quick post

fast post before we leave..... family came into town today... we are off to visit some more with them :)

Last night at 6 started free day... Olive Garden was sooooo good! Although its free day I have watched my sugar intake and I have felt good all day.

I did workout.. this afternoon 86 degrees outside and 80% humidity. It WAS hot. but I did 10.5 miles.. on the bike.. the first 9 miles by myself and the last 1.5 with Cat. I was a great workout.. but I am now tired AND hungry.

all for now. .more later..

"keep on trucking"


OH.. almost forgot.. remember I did lunges yesterday? ah.. well.. I am soooooo sore today its NOT even funny. I didnt get loosened up on the bike until mile 7! Those lunges work a part of my tush that never gets worked when I do squats, or extension, or leg curls..


Unknown said…
Oh my goodness, Olive Garden, or the OG as I like to call it is my dream free day food. I can't wait to be somewhere where there is one! MMMMM!
Josha said…
Well, Sara's wish came true. We went to the OG on free day too! Your workouts sound so great! I need a lesson on how to manage the gears, hills, and stay upright on my bike.