quick post busy day

copy and paste this link to see my "todays inspirational person" (sorry.. a 6 year old broke my mouse and now i am having issues with creating links) 60 year old lady who did body for life..


This mornings bike ride was great! 8.5 miles in 40mins with average speed of 13mph!(if you read this earlier I had a much higher mph .. i misfigured :) but 13 mph is not a bad average for riding that far :) i was tired but still managed to take cat on a 1.5 mile ride right after getting done. I will also take the rest of the kids (jo, nate, cat AND a cousin) around campus after breakfast :)

busy day today.. pack, bathe the dog, clean out car, laundry, running to the health store to get some more CLA... the list goes on and on.. will post my eats when I can.. dont know if it will be tonight thought.. leaving for San Antonio this afternoon.. Fiesta Texas tomorrow morning and Houston on Thurs! :) yipee.. will take weekly picture in the morning though.. :)

happy Tuesday!

we are in san antonio ..

shake, peanut bar
peanut bar tea
salad with beans, hot sauce, lf motz cheese
fried chicken thigh (just the meat- a few bites of the "fried"), mashed tatoes, 1 buscuits, water
fixin to have a shake before bed

good news.. got some more CLA .. stopped at the store on the way out :)

will lift in the morning before heading to fiesta texas:) eating will def be a challenge.. ...
my two goals.. 1. NO OVER EATING! (so far so good) and 2. Eat as healthy as possible ( i will go to the store tomorrow morning to get some healthy eats for me:)

wish me luck.. will take pic in the morning before i lift and hope be able to add it using DHs computer :)

more later.. off to make a shake


Josha said…
Yay! Glad to see your post! Have a great time!