Be Your own Trainer

"Your role is to educate, motivate, plan and coach your client to help them get the best from their workouts and exercise plans"

"Personal exercise trainers provide one-on-one fitness instruction to people desiring a program tailored to their specific needs. Trainers evaluate their clients' physical fitness and keep track of their progress. They typically conduct sessions at a health club or a client's home. Clients may request that their trainers travel with them in order to keep up an exercise routine.

Trainers develop programs and choose exercises that provide the optimum results and take into account the activities their clients enjoy. They act as motivators who push clients to their physical limits. If a client has suffered an athletic injury, the trainer may create a special rehabilitation program. Trainers must be able to demonstrate the movements and exercises recommended. They also provide encouragement and support for the client and recognize the client's strengths and weaknesses."

While reading the Eating for Life cookbook I read a section where Bill talks about how "you need to be your own personal Trainer" ...I have been thinking a lot about this comment and have decided to blog a bit about it.

What does he mean by "be my own trainer?". .. I have seen trainers on the Biggest Looser and Oprah .. I am no where near them in Education/Training or Physical abilities. Does Bill mean I have to be like them? Well.. Yes and No.

Heres what I think he means:
1. Your Self Talk has to be that of a personal trainer. If you were to hire someone to come workout with you or fix meals with you.. what would that person be telling you? Would she be saying neg or positive things to you? Would he tell you how horrible you are doing or encourage and lift you up. I decided a week ago to start making my inner self talk to be that of a imaginary personal trainer that I hired. If I wanted to quit.. My PST (personal self trainer) would say in reply "just one more.. you can do it!" If I wanted to eat a doughnut instead of a healthy meal.. My PST would whisper.. "ok.. you can do this.. it is YOUR choice but it wont get you closer to your goals" ..
2. Your job is to have your PST be your voice for encouragement and self improvement. To have a PST that always puts your self image higher than you would.
3. Your job is to have a Personal Self Trainer who BELieVES in you. When I played softball I always had coaches that believed in me.. even when i didnt. So.. MY job is to have a Inner PST that believes when "I" have my doubts.
4. If you think about it, if you have a personal trainer .. she wouldnt be late for a workout, she wouldnt make excuses, she is getting paid to show up... Your job is to have a inner Personal Self Trainer that finds no excuses.. even though your not getting $ to be your PST.. you will be paid in many many other ways.
5. And Last but not least... Your Personal Self Trainer does NOT have to have a washboard stomach to get you were you need to be.. A trainer starts with were you are and pushes your mentally and physically to be better than you think is possible. That is what YOUR Personal Self Trainer needs to be. Take yourself as you are,, but encourage, inspire, and educate yourself to mold you into something better! :)


Those are the thoughts that have been swimming around in this brain of my since reading "Why Bill says its important to be your own Personal Trainer."

Love to hear what you think..

until next time..

Keep on Believing!


Unknown said…
Very nice blog! How encouraging!
Josha said…
Actually, you do get for the new clothes you will have to have!! Love the post. I'll re-read that partin my book!
JoAnn said…
The thing that comes to my mind are the words, personal responsibility. Meaning, it really does boil down to we're all our own PT for *everything*. Very good post, very thought provoking....things to ponder! You're awsome, and lovin you this morning! Sis Jo