week picture posting starting this week

I thought it would be neat to take a weekly progress photo this time around. I have seen other bflers do this and then morph them so its a "transformation before your eyes" kinda thing.. It is encouraging to see some progress :) Remembering that its the habit of eating for health and physical activity for FUN that I am looking for in my lifestyle. Check the weekly photo updates on the side bar..

good news.. bike store called.. and she's ready! Just in time for a ride tonight I hope :)

your friendly health nut


JoAnn said…
Wow! You're back really looks good! You lean, mean, sexy ma-chean! You go Girl! luv, jj
Josha said…
I thought I'd check to see how your ride went! I love the picture/morphing idea! And you look great! I can see a diff in just one week!