I just cant really believe that tomorrow will be ONE YEAR to the day when I "started over"(again).. I have thought many times that this blog things was a "silly" idea and that creating a blog about my personal fitness and workout goals was a bit "obsesive" and sometimes worried that people who knew about it would think I have "a PROBLEM with food" .. sometimes I still think those things.. But I decided a few months ago that if this blog thing was what it would take for me to start something AND finish it.. then who cares what other people think! So.. here I am a year later.. to celebrate my success and to evaluate what I need to do to stay motivated and healthy for another year! Realizing that it will be next year again before I know it .. I have decided to write a few "reminders and goals" to myself

- Its doesn't matter what everyone else does or doesn't think about my blog.. it matters what I get out of this process that matters .
- As far as worrying if people think I am "obsessed" with food.. well.. if trying being healthy and fit means I am obsessed.. then so be it.
- I always need to remember where I have come from. Remember what it felt like to be winded when I walked from the car to the house, remember what it was like to strain to pick up my child or carry in a bag of groceries, remember what it felt like to be sore after doing weight lifting exercises with a 15oz can of green beans in each hand!
- I must always remember that I am a completely different person when I eat right and exercise! Having energy to be the mom I am suppose to be... if I dont take care of myself I cant take care of my family!
- I need to remember that I can be a light to other people! I can use the lifestyle I live to help encourage and transform other people! Its not just all about me !

- To stay in this lifestyle.. I dont want to type "starting over" on this blog within the next year!
- No matter how down I get about "not reaching my goals" remember that the simple fact I am still here blogging about my fitness is a goal reached.
- This time next year I want to look back and see that I have helped other people change.
- This time next year I want to have a wardrobe that is two sizes smaller.
- This time next year I want to say "what belly skin? where?"
- 50 pushups
- 10 k
- lean and strong, ripped, healthy.
- Realize that this is far more MENTAL than physical.
- The word "workout" has a very important shorter word in it.. "WORK"
- when "Life" gets in they way ... pick up where I left off.. be proud for not quitting and keep going!

So.. heres a look back at my post on June 18th 2006: "Starting over.. seems like I have done this a thousand times.. Tomorrow is Day 1 ... I will complete this challenge in September just a few days short of my birthday.. a gift to myself.. I want to complete this 12 weeks this time.. I have no excuses... no good reasons for stopping my last go round.. i just quit. so... heres to not giving up and for getting back up after been knocked down!"
So.. where you YOU be this time next year? .. ME? oh.. well.. umm. I will be here.. because .. this blog thing is really working for me!

Check back tomorrow for my Ch 4 after photos. AND my CH5 start photos!
You have been an inspiration to me, for sure. Your posts are always uplifting and funny. :) If not for you, I may never have started off on my own health + blogging journey.
Oh, and those people who think you are obsessed? Send them over to my blog. Hahahaha!