sunday post #2 extra extra

ok.. so tammy called and asked if I wanted to go bike riding .. so.. I just got home approx45 min bike ride something around 7 milesish :) I feel lots better too :)

ok.. so.. heres some blog therapy again:
will I every break the plateau I ask? The hardest part is getting myself out of the negative self talk that I start to hear in my head like:
"the smaller my bottom is getting the MORE celulite I see:
"I will NEVER have a flat stomach.. and remembering the trauma of carrying at 10 pound baby.. its no wonder"
while cleaning out the wardrobe this afternoon
"yeah.. too big, to little, to many holes, out of style, rides up in the wrong places, cant find the match, nothing to wear with it.. (i could go on and on)
"I stopped drinking cokes like a month ago.. literally except for 5 sips a week.. why am I loosing fat off my KNEES instead of my tummy?

although I HAVE made progress and have gotten some incredible workouts in.. I am going to focus really really hard on my nutrition plan.... I know I have said it before.. and I will probably say it again.. but I am going to start posting my eats again.. mostly to see if I can figure out what I need to change..


heres to a two cardio day...... and time to self reflect.. dreaming of looking great for myself and my reunion.

off to make a shake :)
