In my quest to have an 1980's themed fitness blog I have have begun looking up information with an added "1980" date added to it. It has been surprising what I have found so far.
The last few days I have been thinking about portion control and serving size. When I was a child I would sit and eat 4 or 5 servings of Cheerios for breakfast! Remember back to then I now realize that I was eating enough Cheerios for 4 or 5 people! This morning I ran to the grocery store for a few things and noticed on the bread label that a serving size it ONE SLICE! I could go on and on about the few things I have learned or been reminded of over the last few days. But one thing I have decided.. if I CANT do anything else over the next 100 days or so I can atleast try to eat a portion size amount of food at every meal.
Heres and example of what I mean:
"Portion sizes began to increase in the 1980s and have been ballooning ever since. Take bagels, for example: 20 years ago, the average bagel had a 3-inch diameter and 140 calories. Today, bagels have a 6-inch diameter and 350 calories. One bagel that size actually contains half a person's recommended number of grain servings for an entire day!"
On these same lines.. here is a video that speaks about serving sizes today compared to 20 years ago.. and YES>. 20 years ago WAS the 1980s!
I plan to lift weights around 4 today. So if you are sitting around watching oprah.. think of me and do a few pushups while you watch :)
.. YES I will be wearing my leg warmers as I do my lower body workout today :)
OK.. so here is my workout I just finished:
burnouts on leg ext. 34
burnouts curls on machine 24
bent over rows for back
burnouts flies 12 rows 12
biceps Arnold Curls three sets of 15 (highpoint was curling 20lbs in each hand 15 times!)
burnouts extended curls 12 hammer curls 12
NO more goofing around in the gym for me.. I am going to bust my booty every time over the
next 90 plus days and see what I can really turn out like :) and shoot.. if I dont like it.. I can just wear three different colored belts, four pair of leg warmers, and a glove on one hand.. I am sure no one will even notice if I was not ripped :)
Heard any Pat lately? Click on the cover and see the other singles.. it will take you back!
How was your day?
"Rock On"
The last few days I have been thinking about portion control and serving size. When I was a child I would sit and eat 4 or 5 servings of Cheerios for breakfast! Remember back to then I now realize that I was eating enough Cheerios for 4 or 5 people! This morning I ran to the grocery store for a few things and noticed on the bread label that a serving size it ONE SLICE! I could go on and on about the few things I have learned or been reminded of over the last few days. But one thing I have decided.. if I CANT do anything else over the next 100 days or so I can atleast try to eat a portion size amount of food at every meal.
Heres and example of what I mean:
"Portion sizes began to increase in the 1980s and have been ballooning ever since. Take bagels, for example: 20 years ago, the average bagel had a 3-inch diameter and 140 calories. Today, bagels have a 6-inch diameter and 350 calories. One bagel that size actually contains half a person's recommended number of grain servings for an entire day!"
On these same lines.. here is a video that speaks about serving sizes today compared to 20 years ago.. and YES>. 20 years ago WAS the 1980s!
I plan to lift weights around 4 today. So if you are sitting around watching oprah.. think of me and do a few pushups while you watch :)

OK.. so here is my workout I just finished:
burnouts on leg ext. 34
burnouts curls on machine 24
bent over rows for back
burnouts flies 12 rows 12
biceps Arnold Curls three sets of 15 (highpoint was curling 20lbs in each hand 15 times!)
burnouts extended curls 12 hammer curls 12
NO more goofing around in the gym for me.. I am going to bust my booty every time over the

Heard any Pat lately? Click on the cover and see the other singles.. it will take you back!
How was your day?
"Rock On"