I have been doing a bit of thinking over the last few days. I have been really happy with my workouts and eating . for the most part. There are always areas on which I can improve on. But lately I have been really really frustrated with my body and the lack of progress I am seeing in my abdominal region. Most of you already know that I had two c-sections which resulted in two very large baby boys :) .. I dont know if this happened to you when you had babies or not.. but after I had Cat (natural birth) I was horrified when i looked down and saw my belly was so huge AND I had a belly button the size of a donut! I was in no way prepared for this site and wondered if my body would ever be the same. Then .. two children later... add a scar going horizontal and a scar going vertical and you have.. my friends.. a most magnificent child birth map. Please don't misunderstand me here.. I am so very thankful for both c-sections because I know very well that I would have died if I did not have them. But.. here we are.. 6 years post op with c-section #2 and I am still dealing with being unhappy with the way I look as it pertains to my tummy. I am literally happy with every single body part except for that part of my body which i have literally do nothing about. Yes.. I have and will continue to loose body fat in that area.. but to be honest.. the more fat that is lost in that area.. the worse it looks.! Now instead of having a scar up and down.. the more fat I loose the more of a double "U" shape skin folds I have..
So here is my question(s)..
do you every feel this way about a body part of yours?
why do we as moms, not have a better self image when it comes to our bodies after having children.?
Do all women feel this way and no one knows it?
What can be done about it?
After a few days of complaining to my husband about my tummy.. tonight I have decided the following:
- I will no longer complain about my c-section scars.
- I will, in fact .. praise God for those scars .. for they are the evidence that my life was literally saved.. not once .. but twice!
- I have decided to not worry about something I can do nothing about.
- I will remember that the majority of flat ab women out there are 1. not moms 2. have had surgery 3. have been "touched up" via the computer 4. have imperfections in other areas .. because no one is perfect! I will strive to be an example of a REAL fit mom!
- I will educate my own daughter .. when she is really ready.. what a womans bodies really looks like after child birth.. reminding her that everyone is different.
- I will strive everyday to have positive self talk about myself and feel great about all I have accomplished. Realizing everyday the good that has come from the scars that are on my body. 1. two wonderful children and 2. the ability to be a mom to those children 3. the interesting possibility of it looking like I have a 10 pack instead of a 6 pack :) hehe
So.. say bye bye to any mention of my "horrible scars" and say hello to a new, improved Ruthie.. a Mom, an athlete, and.. in the very near future a truely bodacious babe!..
(my goal? be be as happy with my belly as the lady in the picture above.. .. but I will have clothes on and not walking in a parade:)