it was nice to get up this morning and get to workout.. I did three b's .. squats, leg extensions, dead lift, leg curls, bi curls and then I decided to throw in some abs cause I didnt do them last night.. :)
I am feeling stronger and stronger and that feels nice. I am also getting leaner.. today I notice above my knee caps was CUT!.. I am not going to complain here.. because getting rid of fat is getting rid of fat.. but why.. I ask you .. does it come off my knee caps, and my shoulders instead of my baby belly or my bottom? .. its just not really that funny but I cant help but laugh.. what do to.. but to keep going.. and some day I will have the nice lean increadably cut knee knees I have always dreamed of. :) hehe..
Happy friday!
taking the kids swimming today.. first time this summer. have to run and get suits for them.. they keep growing out of theirs!
how's your day?