3 miles tonight.. and boy was it HOT! I ran 4 sprints and fast walked the rest doing an extra half mile to cool down. Here is a quick shot of Su and I after the run.. in our almost finished bathroom :)
I was going through an old scrapbook and found a picture of me in the 8th grade- volleyball team picture that was in the paper. Dont you just love the hair cut? funny. ..
when I was cooling down I heard this song on the IPOD.. dont know what the rest of it means but I liked this part:
"Get up, get back on your feet
You're the one they can't beat and you know it
Come on, let's see what you've got
Just take your best shot and don't blow it
You're fooling yourself if you don't believe it

You're killing yourself if you don't believe it
Get up, get back on your feet
You're the one they can't beat and you know it
Come on, let's see what you've got
Just take your best shot and don't blow it"
( I visualize mentally the "one they can't beat" are the neg. thoughts inside my head saying I cant don this)
Anyone care to guess which group/song it is?
you look great!