just a quick post. i am still in south texas. i have not lifted weights at all while i have been gone but i have done some form of cardio everyday. yesterday 2.5 miles with pup and tonight 2.5 with pup and Angell! my eats have not been horrible and i am happy i have made time for excersise while here.
i am looking forward to getting some sleep tonight as last night our pup barked all night! (i was up with her at 12,2, and 4... and up with DS at 2.30 ..) so NO sleep last night.. hopefully tonight she will calm down and sleep.. i think she is exausted from last night and no nap today.. so far she is quiet. .. in case she fusses i will have a spray bottle ready to spray on her. (fun fun huh)..

thinking of all of you.



Josha said…
Glad to see a post from you! Tell Angell HI!
sore abs today...I got an exercise ball.
FYI...I read on BFL website that lowfat/skim milk is both a protein and a carb and acceptable. You probably knew this already, but I had wondered why they didn't have it listed when it is both protein and carb.
Also, I bought CLA at Walmart for much less moola than eas.
Sarah said…
Good for you for running! That is so inspiring - whenever I go out of town it always seems like an excuse to slack off.

I didn't get much sleep last week either for different reasons. I hope you get more tonight! I find it SOOOO hard to work out when I am tired from not enough sleep.
Josha said…
forgot to mention that I have 2 friends starting BFL. I don't know if they will be part of our blog team or not, but I told them about HOTmoms! Did you know that if you don't put the "info" part on the blog address, you get a very inappropriate blog??
Miss ya! Great job with your runs!
Ruthie said…
oh no! maybe we should change it.. I will look into it..