Today was a busy but fun day. I stayed on eats program until supper tonight and I went with a girlfriend to olive garden and we had a great visit/meal. I did eat too much but I did NOT have a soda! (yipee for me!)... NO I really didnt eat until I was sick or anything.. just what I know is more than a portion for me... but my free day started tonight.. so its all good. :)
No workout today but I am really looking forward to lifting tomorrow. I got the garage straightened out so I can get to my equipment and I will happy to post about getting to use the smith machine again :) ..
Long day but fun.. some great conversations with sweet encouraging friends.
I am really really feeling back to normal. I am so glad. It just really reiterates to me that I MUST take care about what I put in my mouth and how I take care of this old bod of mine :)
hope your day has been blessed!