I emailed my blog friends to let you know that I am committing myself to eating clean and on time until next saturday. Why? because I am tired of feeling bad. I could say that its all because I feel fat, out of shape, and just like a slob.. but that would be a lie.. to be honest I dont care too much right now about how I look.. for some strange reason.. .. I am doing this for the simple fact I am tired of feeling bad. I actually started tonight by going to bed with a protien shake.. which will get me through the night without waking up hungry and help me sleep better.. So.. my plan for tomorrow morning is to get up and lift weights ("upper body").. I will then have a shake withing ten mins of the workout.. like I USE too all the time..... I will focus on eating every 2.5 hours even if I have to set my alarm clock! ..
to get me motivated to get up and get going.. I found this fun article.. Jack Lalaine and Bill Phillips interview.. its good. read it.. enjoy it .. and then workout :)
jack and bill
to get me motivated to get up and get going.. I found this fun article.. Jack Lalaine and Bill Phillips interview.. its good. read it.. enjoy it .. and then workout :)
jack and bill
I am looking forward to tomorrow's lifting. Upper body is my favorite.