• Today was a busy day.. seemed I would not find the time for cardio. But tonight as the kids played water-guns with the neighbors kids in our front yard .. instead of sitting on the swing I sat on the recumbant bike and did 3 miles.. barefooted no less! Definately not the hard cardio I am use to but it was probably good I didnt go running cause my shins are still a bit sore. My eats were not the greatest today but I ate often so that was good. I am sooooo sore from the yard work and lifting yesterday (my forearms are sooooo sore from hedging the shrubs! do that every few weeks and I will look like Popeye! :)

So.. heres to a day were it seemed like cardio wouldnt get done .. but it did anyway! Remembering its more about the HABIT of exercise than anything else. :)


Josha said…
You look great! And a virtual 5K sounds exciting! Beer in little containers in your kitchen...that's what Sarah would say about flies on your bananas. Missed you! Sorry to have been out so long. Headed for the beach tomorrow...will post if possible.