What does it take?-Bunny Challenge Photos

What does it take to get back in the grove?

  1. falling off the no soda bandwagon for 28 hours and feeling awful! (a. because I let myself down and b. because I just felt BAD physically!)
  2. Missing a workout on Monday and being determined to not miss another one
  3. Looking at my Body for Life journey photos
  4. Looking at my Inspiration photos
  5. Having a "free weekend" tummy ache 2o mins before I was to lift weights
  6. Feeling bloated and knowing that its alllll nutrition related!
How does it feel to be back in the grove after a hard workout?
  1. GREAT! leaving the mistakes behind and focusing on the future.
  2. Feeling better than I have in 28 hours.. nothing like a hard muscle burning workout to get over the stress of letting myself down.
  3. Happy.. happy to know that this time.. when I was tempted to "give up" It was only a few hours before I was back in the grove.
  4. I feel back to normal. Knowing that my body is so use to exercise that I just dont feel right unless I do my workouts!
So.. I am back.. re-focused on my goals and "starting again" on my Soda free body!
"Hello, my name is Ruth and I am a Soda-aholic!"

My workout tonight?
dead lifts
leg extensions
back rows
back flies
bis curls
bis curls extended
abs crunches until jello
abs ab dancing until congealed salad :)

I decided to put my bunny challenge photos in my BFL journey section. I never did take individual shots but decided to just use my before pictures as a bench mark.
click on the link above to view.. and scroll down. :)



Josha said…
you have already made progress this challenge! Like you said, this is the one! abs are more cut, arms and shoulders are more cut, and def. leaner all over! congrats! good for you....not letting a setback make you give up!