Well.. first it was Joseph getting sick before we went to Houston.. then Cat getting a cough and dizziness for three days.. and just when I thought we were on our way to all being well again.. Nathan now has an ear ache. I was up on and off all night.. including having to run to the store at 230 for more pain meds. ...
Needless to say... no workout yesterday.. and I will probably sleep instead of working out today.
I am looking forward to everyone being healthy and myself getting back into the grove.
Currently Enduring the "LIFE" part of Body for Life
I just woke up from a nap.. Nate's pain is better but early this morning he said his ear popped..and now he has fluid coming from his ear... I suspect a ruptured eardrum :( i will take him to the dr in the morning first thing.. (seems they always get sick on the weekends) ..
praise the Lord for tylenol so he isnt in lots of pain.
more later