Good Morning!
I wanted to "report in" .. Cardio is done
Treadmill today but couldnt run much because my shins still hurt.. I think I need new shoes. I have rested them enough now that they
shouldnt hurt.. so.. new shoes are on the list :)
I wanted to post a picture of my hair the way I fixed it this morning..
I LOVE it.. the best thing.. I wake up and its pretty much styled.. I had no curling iron or blow dryer work on it this morning .. the messier it gets the better it looks.. :) LOVE how Easy it is!
I did abs to.. lost count cause kids kept asking me questions.. but I just did a LOT until they burned and then added some Buff mother dancin..
gotta go.. return stuff to health food store, walmart for bug spray and seeds etc, and library.. books due back :)
more later
just wanted to post my eats today..
may day was quite hectic and I didnt really expect it to be so.. SO my eats were not as good as I am use to..

lunch-Sonic chicken wrap (3/4ths of it) 5 onion rings (oops) tea (yeah.. no soda!)
Supper- chicken breast, half baked tator, green beans.
shake -- before bed.
Sonic was interesting.. I ordered a program meal.. chicken wrap with light dressing. When we got our food.. they stuck in an order of onion rings I DIDNT order! .. I guess deep down inside I took it as a sign. .. ate 5 small ones.. will pay for it at about 2am I am sure ;0.. I was happy because I was REALLY REALLY REALLY tempted to get a coke.. just sounded so good... but somehow I said "tea".. must be a habit now or something cause I didnt do it on purpose:)
So.. not too happy with my eats today.. mainly cause I didnt eat enough meals . so part of the day I didnt feel to good..
Tomorrow is another day.. and I know I will do better :) I missed my salad today in a major way!
more later ..
:) Misty
thanks for commenting.. its fun to get comments :)
You look about 27 in that picture. It is SOOOO cute.
thanks for the sweet comments :)