so tired I Could hardly type.. but here is my post
no workout today unless you consider all the HUGE amounts of furniture moving I did. Garage sale went well have only 1 thing left.. a flowered couch. hope someone picks it up off our drive way tonight while we are sleeping :)
didnt sleep well at alllll last night.. they had the annual walk for cancer up at campus last night .. where they walked allll night.. thats fine.. BUT their music blasted alll night over the stadium speakers and I couldnt sleep. .. really frustrated about that.

so I am going to bed. will post tomorrow..
dont worry I am not off the bandwagon.. just seems I am pushing it along these days instead of riding in it.!

sweet dreams


Josha said…
As long as your cart is still moving! Congrats on a successful garage sale! I wonder how your Sunday was?